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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

19 week update!

Yesterday was our 19 week anatomy scan! My appointment was at 2:45 and I met my husband and our moms at the doctors office. I had to come with a full bladder and it was killing me. I'm so glad that they weren't running behind because I don't think I could have held it for much longer. Once the ultrasound tech called me back she wasted no time looking at my cervix and getting what she needed. After about 10-15 minutes she let me use the bathroom and then come back and enjoy looking at Walker and seeing all of his organs and how he has developed. My mom wasn't able to go to his first ultrasound so she was super excited to come to this one and she cried as soon as she saw him on the screen. It was a good moment having Dakota and our moms all together talking about how cute Walker is and just being able to see him. The ultrasound tech told me that everything looked good, but she wasn't able to see his bladder sac so she wanted to give me another ultrasound at my next appointment to make sure that it is working properly as well. His measurements were big and he's measuring 20 weeks (which is a week ahead). I've got a feeling he's going to be a big boy & my husband said that Walker will make his big appearance at the end of April. As long as he is healthy and ready to come I don't care when it is. I just can't wait to hold him in my arms and get my little baby snuggles.

So far I am feeling pretty good. I'm just having back pain and growing pains as usual. He is really stretching those ligaments. I can finally start to really feel him move which makes me so happy. Sunday night I was cuddling in bed with Dakota and I was laying on my left side and all of sudden I felt my tummy move and it happened again a few seconds later. I put my hand over my stomach to try and feel him from the outside, but he stopped as soon as I did that. He was kicking all around and I woke Dakota up to tell him. I mean it was an exciting time... he had to know! lol, his response was congratulations. He just doesn't understand. My hair has also stopped falling out so bad which is such a relief. It was really starting to stress me out and I honestly thought I was going to go bald, but thanks to Biotin I am doing alright. My hormones are also way out of wack and I cry over pretty much everything. For example, last night we were going out to dinner and Dakota randomly told me that me and Walker were his world. It took me completely off guard because he isn't the mushy gushy type & I started to tear up. I just love that man. Our next appointment is January 13th for my 23 week appointment and I'm really looking forward to it! Another appointment scheduled means I'm closer to meeting my son! Now enjoy a few pictures from the Ultrasound! :)
"Walker looking straight at us"

"His cute little side profile"

"Waving to mommy & daddy"

"Cute little foot"

"Throwing up the peace sign"

Until next time, Lexi!