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Friday, April 18, 2014

Instagram Fails (Part 1)

I saw this on my sister -in-law's blog and I thought it was pretty funny! It's about the Instagram pictures that you post that are totally random and have no point, but you post them anyway just so see how many likes you can get and let's face it we are all guilty of it. So here's my top 10 Instagram fails!! Enjoy my pointless pictures because it seemed like everyone else did :)

1. My "hey everyone, look at these cute boxes with my save the dates"! Yes I know I was excited, but did I really have to take a picture of the unopened boxes? lol


2. My, "oh look guys, I'm moving so here is a pointless picture of the boxes that I am packing my stuff in incase you all didn't believe that I was actually moving".


3. My, "I just got baby lips so I should probably take a picture of it and then take a picture of my lips". Probably why it only got less than 10 likes.


4. This one is actually pretty funny to me and has a story behind it, but still is pretty pointless. People who don't know the story are probably thinking wow, great lookin' radio.... not. Anyways, I rest my case with this one. It's pretty much a fail.


5. When you just get engaged and start getting excited about wedding planning that's when you post everything wedding related, but did people really need to know what magazine's I was reading? I mean really, who cares.

6. My, "hey everyone, I'm starting a diet so for proof here is my monthly supply of slim fast (which is absolutely disgusting). My husband even asked me what I was doing when I set up the "display"! & yeah, you read that right!1 I did just post this 2 weeks ago! lol #guiltyascharged


7. Everyone posts pictures about what they are wearing because they feel "trendy" or "cute" and obviously I am guilty of this too. So here's my "cute" outfit picture, but really who cares right?

8. Apparently I need to announce it to social media what all I got on sale at Bath & Body Works...... uhh no. Honestly, looking back it isn't that impressive. :P

9. My, "guess what I got for my birthday" post. I guess I was just excited because I love Scentsy, but really did I need to share this?

10. I am a perfume hoarder and I guess I really needed everyone to know by sharing this whole bowl of perfume spray & I'm pretty sure that NOBODY cared. At least that's what I would think. by the whopping 3 likes!!

So there you have it! My 10 Instagram fails! I'm sure I will have a part 2 to this next year because it was pretty fun looking back and seeing how dumb my pictures were. Also, I'm pretty sure I'll take more pointless pictures... but isn't that what Instagram is all about?! ;)

Until next time, Lexi