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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Ultrasound// 7 Weeks & 1 Day

Today was by far the best day of mine & my husband's life. Hearing your baby's heart beat for the first time is such an amazing and surreal moment. We have prayed and prayed for our baby and that he/she would have a good, strong heart beat and boy did he answer our prayers. God is SO good.

Tuesday morning I woke up at 7:15.. without an alarm clock. My body knew it was time for the big day. I actually did sleep the night before, but I tossed and turned a lot. Dakota and I headed over to West Florida hospital where my Doctor is and got there at 9:00am. Before the ultrasound the tech took my weight (ouch) and then had me pee in a cup. Of course the one time I need to pee I can't, but I'll go 50 times a day no problem any other day. Fortunately I gave enough and we were able to proceed to the ultrasound room. After getting changed Dr. Reynolds greeted me with a warm smile and said to me, "Well that didn't take long"! I had just seen him back in June for a seminar about pregnancy and for my pap-smear. He knew we were trying and told me it takes most young and healthy couples to get pregnant on average 4-6 months. Well we got pregnant in 3 which to me seemed like forever because I was constantly tracking my ovulation and counting down the days to my next pregnancy test. After he checked my cervix he gave the okay for the ultrasound tech to do her thing. Of course for the first ultrasound it isn't over the belly... and my goodness it was uncomfortable. It didn't really hurt, but I did feel a lot of pressure the whole time. As soon as she inserted the "wand" Dakota and I saw our baby on the big screen! It was amazing! At first I kind of freaked out because she didn't say anything while she was doing measurements and I couldn't hear a heart beat. She reassured me that the baby did indeed have a heart beat and a really strong one at that. She turned on the volume and there it was. Our babies heart was just beating away. The heart beat was 165 and according to the old wives tales the higher the heart beat means its a girl and lower means a boy. Obviously it's too early to tell, but I am hoping for a girl.

After the ultrasound I got changed back into my clothes and Dr. Reynolds gave me a packet with some information and had me get some blood work done downstairs. Last time I gave blood I passed out so I was a little nervous. Dakota told me that they weren't going to take that much, but uhh they took 6 big tubes and tested for so many different things. Finally around 11 we got out of there and headed to cracker barrel to eat lunch with Dakota's mommy. I got the French Toast with strawberries on top (yummy)! Apparently my eyes were bigger than my tummy and I barely ate any of it. After lunch Dakota and I headed back home because we had to get ready and go to work. I really didn't want to go in, but I need to save up my PTO and using 4 is way better than 8. Of course I had to bring my ultrasound pictures to work because all of the ladies I work with knew what my appointment was for and they were all so excited.

Dakota and I are so excited for this next chapter in our lives!! Our next appointment is October 21st and once again I am counting down the days. Of course now I have a peace of mind knowing that our baby is okay so I can take a breather. We are going to announce the pregnancy on Saturday and I am SO ready. Keeping this a secret has been the hardest thing ever. I have told close friends and some family, but of course we have to make it FB official. Until then I tell everyone to be hush hush about it..... but in reality they probably aren't. Lol, but who can blame them? It's an exciting time! Enough of my rambling. It's time to enjoy some pictures of Baby Ward!
"EDD May 11, 2015"

"We love you so much already"