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Monday, September 1, 2014

We have an announcement!

Dakota and I are expecting a sweet bundle of joy in May 2015!! We are both so excited and we can't wait to see our little one in the next few weeks. As of today I am 4 weeks and we have only told close friends and our parents/siblings.

Remember my last post about the faint lines and waiting to take another test Thursday morning? Well, the day I found out my friend Chandler had me come over and take some more tests that night because she just knew I was pregnant (Chandler is pregnant too and we were having some of the same symptoms). I took another and it gave me two pink lines right away. I started running to Dakota and brought him back to the bathroom. He looked at it and he was like, "wow, two pink lines". I started crying and just saying over and over how I couldn't believe it. Well, as we are eating dinner at Chan's, Dakota really wanted to get me another test that actually said Pregnant or not because he didn't trust the lines since we had a faint one that morning. Once he came back I took the test immediately and sure enough it said PREGNANT! It was definitely a surreal feeling and I was on cloud 9 that whole night and really the whole week. We get to see our baby for the first time on September 23rd and I feel like it's forever away. We are going to announce the pregnancy soon, but until then here's some of the "first" pics of baby Ward! ;)

I am so excited to start blogging this pregnancy journey because my very first post back in November I talked about wanting to start a family and creating a blog would be the best way to remember the good, the bad, and the ugly of this whole experience. SO far it's been good except for ALWAYS being tired and getting acne all over my face, but hey this baby is worth every bit of it.

Until next time, Lexi :)